Thursday, June 23, 2011

Drawing for 6/22-6/23

Summer class has completely destroyed my schedule. I need to figure out a new system to arrange my time... the modules for my class are periods of three days, so each three days I have to write a lot and do a painting with oil paint, plus find time to work on a long term assignment. Combine that with my desire to do a digital painting each morning and my weekly personal projects and it's been easy to feel overwhelmed. Still, I think all of it is important, so I don't want to remove anything, I think I just need to find a new way to distribute my time. I'm testing out a new schedule right now.

In the meantime, here is a three-ish hour drawing I did over the last two days. I... don't like it much. I over complicate things color-wise and composition-wise. Maybe it's because I'm so busy and am having trouble focusing. It disappoints me when I finish a drawing that I don't feel worked out so well. Anyway, it was based off this photo:

"Ruins at Angkor" by kangotravelor

And the drawing looks like this:

It just feels... I don't know. I feel like I'm overworking, doing way too many strokes and getting a messy result. I also think I need to invest more time in the planning stage to make sure my foundation is correct on a perspective basis. I think I'm cutting corners in the wrong way and getting stoppy. Also the  colors aren't my favorite. There is a fine line between making fast strokes and making sloppy strokes. Also there IS such a thing as good contrast and bad contrast. Here's an example for nice contrast in a concept piece:

Art by Levi Hopkins
See that? That's nice. The strokes are simple and there isn't a lot of specific defining brush work, but the whole thing just feels clear. The contrast between warms and cools is really good, striking but not jarring. This is something I'm trying to improve on, but it's so daunting.

I was talking to a friend last night and when I was thinking about it I couldn't think of any prominent concept artists who are women. I wonder why that is. Also, when you find prominent women in design fields it feels like their work tends to be cute or charming in the style. It's something to think about... it annoys me and makes me want to work harder.

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