Saturday, June 11, 2011

Another day, another painting

I've decided if possible I'm going to start the day with a 3 hour painting in the morning. I figure you don't get better if you don't work, and what does anyone really do with the first three hours of their day anyway? Stumble around, check email... Let's see how long this lasts. (WILL POWER COME ON!)

Since I was strictly limiting myself to 3 hours I decided to take a step back and try something more manageable, so I I found a nice creative commons licensed image of the English coast and decided to jungle it up. Here are the abbreviated steps:

Step 1: block in the shapes roughly.
Step 2: Add jungle elements.
I initially made the color a little greener in the foreground so that foreground and background weren't blending together. But I think it looks sort of disparate.

Step 3: Foreground is more blue. Added ocean, sky shapes.
Step 4: Futzy details.

For three hours work, I'm pleased with how it came out. I'm really working to simplify my shapes and to try not to overwork things. I hope doing more of these paintings will train my hand what good simple gestures for things like rocks or plants or structures are.

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